Chicago’s only Castle

No depiction of the Beverly-Morgan Park neighborhood is complete without the iconic turrets of the Givins Beverly Castle located at 10244 South Longwood Drive in Chicago.

The Castle was a favorite subject of the late noted artist, Jack Simmerling, and is also the subject of the excellent 2017 book, Chicago's Only Castle, by Errol Magidson.

The Current Need

Time and 130 icy, windy Chicago winters have taken a toll on the 1886 limestone structure. The turrets have begun to decompose.

Temporary stabilization was completed in 2018, and the cost to complete the necessary restorations will approach $1,000,000.

With the endorsement of the Beverly Area Planning Association (BAPA), the Ridge Historical Society, the 19th Ward Alderman, Matt O'Shea, and historic preservation advocates across the city, we launched a capital campaign with an initial goal of $800,000. A successful grant proposal to Landmarks Illinois in 2019 is testimony to the importance of this historic preservation campaign, as is the selection of the Givins Beverly Castle for a Rebuild Illinois state capital project grant and the  award of an Citywide Adopt-A-Landmark Fund grant.

Your Role

The restoration campaign requires extraordinary generosity from many members of the local community and those across Greater Chicago who value  historic preservation.

Members of Beverly Unitarian Church, the "Castle Keepers" since 1942, have pledged more than $400,000 toward the  restoration campaign goal. We are now seeking matching gifts from the larger Chicago community.

Please support the campaign to preserve and restore Chicago's Only Castle.


We are dreaming of a future that honors the past, with hopes that the Castle will continue as a strong, beautiful and resilient symbol of the Chicago community.